英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:13:50

dive into

英 [daiv ˈɪntuː]

美 [daɪv ˈɪntu]

溜进; 开始猛吃; 头朝下跳入水中; (使)在…中快速翻找

  • 网络解释

1. 投入:dive for 扑向 | dive into 投入 | dive 潜水

2. 投入,钻研:ditch n.沟,沟渠,壕渠 | dive into 投入,钻研 | dive for 向...扑去

3. dive into在线翻译

3. 迅速把手伸入;一心投入:11. call up 给......打电话 | 12. dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 | 13. hang on 不挂断;紧紧握住;稍等

4. 钻研:FWIW = for what it's worth 值得一提的 | dive into 钻研 | platinum 白金的

I'm afraid to dive into the water.(我害怕潜入水中。)
Before we dive into the data, let's review the mechanics of going to the bathroom.(在研究这些数据前,让我们先回顾一下走进盥洗室的器具。)
Skip the inheritable attributes briefly -- I dive into those next.(简单跳过继承属性(我将稍后深入介绍)。)
When you're done, throw it all away and dive into your own application.(完成后,抛开这些,全身心地投入到您自己的应用程序中。)
But before we dive into the details, let's review some examples.(但是,在详细讨论之前,我们来看一些例子。)
If you dive into the JVM and OS, you'll find nonblocking algorithms everywhere.(如果深入JVM和操作系统,会发现非阻塞算法无处不在。)
Dive into System Preferences and there are more changes to be seen.(进入系统设置,将会看到更多变化。)
Now that we've covered the basics, let's roll up our sleeves and dive into the details.(了解基本知识后,现在可以卷起袖子深入细节了。)
Specifically we dive into the financial framework.(特别的是我们深入了解经济框架。)
TV producers began asking him to dive into the audience.(电视制作人开始要求他跳入人群中。)
dive into是什么意思 dive into在线翻译 dive into什么意思 dive into的意思 dive into的翻译 dive into的解释 dive into的发音 dive into的同义词